What is OpenVPN GUI?
OpenVPN GUI is a graphical frontend for OpenVPN running on Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8. OpenVPN GUI creates an icon in the notification area through which the Windows users can adjust OpenVPN to start or stop their VPN tunneling protocols, view log files and carry out many other helpful tasks. In this tutorial, we will help you to adjust your Windows PC to autostart OpenVPN GUI.
How to Auto-Start OpenVPN GUI on Windows
Follow the steps below carefully to adjust your Windows settings to autorestart OpenVPN GUI.
1- From “Start” menu, open “Notepad”. If it is not shown in the start menu, you can search for it by typing “Notepad” and then click on it and run it as administrator.
2- Once Notepad is open, type in your VPN “username” and “password”.
3- Once done, save the file in the openvpn config directory (e.g: pass.txt) and keep the notepad open.
4- While your Notepad is still open, go to “File”, and then click on “Open”.
5- In the “File Name” field at the bottom of this window, select “All Files”.
6- In this step, select your preferred VPN server file, and then click on the “Open” button.
7- Scroll until you find the row that says ‘auth-user-pass’, and then insert the credentials file name (pass.txt) on its right side.
8- Save your file, and the close the Notepad.
9- Go to “Start” once again, and then search for “tasks”.
10- Click to open “Schedule Tasks”.
11- Once you open “Schedule Tasks”, go to “Actions” panel, and then click on “Create Basic Task”.
12- Name your task, for example “Autostart Brazil VPN”, and then click “Next”.
13- Mark the radio button next to ‘When I log on’ from “Trigger” settings, and then click on “Next”.
14- Go to “Action” settings, and then select “Start a program”. Click on “Next”.
15- In “Program/script” field, click on “browse” and select the OpenVPN GUI executable from the folder you have downloaded or type in the full path to your OpenVPN GUI executable.
16- Type in the VPN server you want to connect to in the “Add arguments” field, and then click “Next”.
17- Make sure to check on ‘Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish’ option to enable it, and then click on the “Finish” button.
18- Make sure to enable ‘Run with highest privileges’ option from the “General” properties tab.
19- Head to “Triggers” tab, and then edit the ‘At log on trigger’.
20- Choose “Any user” or a “Specific user” from the “Settings” box.
21- In the “Advanced settings” box, check the ‘Delay task for:’ option and set it to 30 seconds from the expandable dropdown box, and then click “OK”.
22- Click “OK” once more and close all windows.
You have successfully adjusted your computer to run OpenVPN automatically upon start. Reboot your PC to make sure.